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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Fall Floral Arrangment

Yesterday, Bryan and I took Shadow for a walk because it was so beautiful outside. It was perfect for a stroll through our neighborhood. On our walk, I noticed all of the pretty wild flowers growing on the side of the road. So Bryan, being the sport that he is, picked all of these gorgeous flowers for me and we put them in the vase that I decorated in this post.

The mustard yellow flowers mixed with the purple blooms just went so well together.

So, Bryan went in and got me a wonderful selection of these flowers plus more, while me and Shadow relaxed in the grass.

We took our loot home, cut them down, and took some of the leaves off the stems and put them in the vase. The purple matched perfectly to the purple yarn I had wrapped on the vase previously, and complimented the blue yarn and brown suede string, also. I love that I didn't have to spend any money to put pretty flowers on my kitchen table.

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