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Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Pins as of Lately

I haven't had time to do many crafts or get around town to one of a kind places to review lately, and I'm sorry. We have had a rough couple of weeks when Bryan's tires blow out two days in a row on the way to work, then our fridge breaking, then having to ride from half an hour away with one large, one medium, and one small sized dog in tow. Sheesh, it's been a busy week.

Anyway, since I have no crafts to share, I thought I would share some of my favorite pins of the week on my Pinterest Page.

From the DIY Board:

Left: Fixing broken makeup, I will definitely be glad for this sooner or later.
Right: Using glue on a frame, let it dry, paint it over with one solid color to make it look hand carved.

From the Pet Lover Board:

Left: Lmao! Lily has done that to me all too often.
Right: True that! I love pupster kisses.

From the Clothing Board: (this board houses over half of my 1,468 pins)

Left: I have an over sized button down shirt from old navy I want to do this with.
Middle: Even though I just found out this dress was maternity wear, I still think it's cute.
Right: Glitter Scarf!

From the Tattoo Board:

Left: I have an idea for an add on to a tattoo I currently have involving a fingerprint pattern.
Right: Thought I'm not a huge fan of skeletons or skulls, I like how they were formed into trees in this tattoo outline.

From the Food Board:

Left: Easy Mac and Cheese in a mug, don't go through the hassle of pots and pans.
Middle: White Chocolate pumpkin muffins!?
Right: Zucchini and feta cheese roll ups. Yum.

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