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Thursday, September 20, 2012

DIY: Chevron Wall Art/ Birthday Shenanigans

My birthday went well! I turned 20 on Tuesday, and everyone made me feel so special. On Sunday Bryan and I went to my parent's house and had lunch with my parents and sisters and their significant others. It was lovely and my parents made me 28 cupcakes. On my birthday Bryan and I tried making a bundt cake, and he didn't let it cool long enough before trying to flip it onto a plate and he broke it. So I put the pieces back together in the pan and let it cool longer. My best friend also came over for the day and she brought a cake, then in the evening we went to his family's house and they had yet another cake! I was very thankful, I was surrounded by so much love this year. Thank you to everyone who made my 20th special.
Top Left: The cake Bryan tried destroying, I just iced over the mess,
Top Right: My sister brought me to a salon to get my hair done!,
Bottom Left: Two gifts I'm very excited about, a glass pie plate and a pie recipe book,
Bottom Right: one of the many cakes!
I've been making more wall art in the past few days too. I decided to embrace the chevron striped trend and made some chevron wall art for the laundry room.
To do this, go to a craft store and get whatever size canvas you want, the colors of paint you like, and some painting or masking tape. The most time consuming part of this project was putting the tape on the canvas to make the stripes, I don't know if there is an easier way to do it than I did, but I tore off small strips of tape to make the zig zags.

Next I started layering on the paint, I used acrylic paint so it's a bit easier to do more than one coat.
After a few coats peel of the tape and fix the lines a little so their straight. I liked the imperfections on my canvas, so I left it mostly like it was, when it was dry I hung it up, so simple.
I liked the color of the shimmery water.

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