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Monday, September 17, 2012

Making Art at Home!

So this weekend I wanted to do something crafty, but I didn't want to do the crafts I already had at home. So instead, I got some canvases, paints, tape, and brushes. I'd been wanting to make some geometric art for a while, I just lacked the supplies. While at the store I also noticed this wooden tiled board and I got an idea for that too, so I picked it up. When I got home I started with the wooden tiled board. I wanted to have the phrase "eat, drink, be merry" with little stencils of things that happen year round on it. So, here's what turned out.

Me and this thing fought a little, but I think it turned out cute enough. It's on one of the walls in the kitchen.

Next  I wanted to do the geometric art which was a lot of fun! I started with a blank canvas and put tape across it in all different directions. Then I painted each section different colors. When the paint dryed, I took the tape off. I wanted to leave the tape lines white, but one of the paints decided to bleed under the tape and I wanted to paint over it. So, if you decide to do tape art, make sure you press the tape down firmly. Other than that, I loved the way it turned out.

And I made a pretty cute print, yesterday too. I do know that none of these are perfect, I do not claim to be a prefessional painter at all, but I dabble in a little of everything, and I just decided to give painting a try after a few years of not.

And last but not least, thanks to my parents for hosting my early birthday lunch yesterday (Tuesday I will be 20!), and to my sisters and their boyfriends/husbands for coming too.

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