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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wal*Mart Disappoints Me

This post was not scheduled, but as soon as I heard about what I'm about to write, I was outraged. A friend of mine posted this article on Facebook and I couldn't believe what I was reading! To summarize the article:

A couple read in a recent issue in the newspaper warning again leaving animals in hot cars during the summer (duh!), it advised if you saw an animal shut into a car on a hot day to call the police. On a recent trip to Wal*Mart in MHC they were in the garden department and heard an animal somewhere making some distressing noises. They were finally able to locate the vehicle where the dog was and it turns out it was a puppy, approximately 4-6 weeks old with only one window cracked and no water. The outside temperature was more than 90 that day, so you know the inside of that vehicle felt like hell on earth. Bystanders said that the puppy had been locked in for about 45 minutes by that time. The woman entered Wal*Mart to see if they could call the police or do anything to help, the employees refused and she sought the manager, he informed her that it was against company policy to "rescue or assist in the rescue in any animals left in the hot weather, and are also prohibitted from calling the police" and anyone employed by Wal*Mart that violates this policy is to be fired. Finally someone with compassion and a heart let her call the police and she went back out to the van, when she was about to try to rescue the pup, the police showed up and told her if she opened the van he could arrest her for breaking and entering, and that it wasn't his responsibility to rescue the animal, it was Animal Control's job, but they weren't open on Sundays. By this time it had been another 45 minutes and the puppy was laying sprawled out on the floor twitching.

Thankyfully, the owner of the van finally came out and the puppy was fine, but who does stuff like that? I could understand that anyone employed by Wal*Mart shouldn't be breaking into vehicles to rescue animals, but why not allow people the use of the phone? I cannot imagine if someone had done that to one of my fur babies. Why not just leave the pup at home? Or better yet, find the pup a better home than the current owner is obviously not providing.

People make me sick.

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