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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

To bob, or not to bob... That is the question.

My hair is stressing me out! I've wanted to grow it out for so long! I used to have it pretty long. Well, not super long. This is the longest my hair has ever been:

Freshman and Sophomore year of high school

Then in August before my Junior year of high school, when we were going back to school shopping, my mom some how convinced me to cut my hair into a bob. I suppose I just wanted a change of pace, but I did it, I loved it, and after a few months I missed my long hair. And my mom still to this day denies convincing me to cut it in the first place. Sigh. But, it was cute, even when it grew out, and this was my senior picture:

Even after high school, in my first few years of college, I did a few different versions of the bob my mother gave me. (She always cut my hair, I've never had it done at a salon).

Now my hair is almost past my arm pit, and it's driving me insane! I cannot remember why I wanted to grow my hair out, it's flat, and lifeless, and does nothing for me. Sure, I have my good days:

But it's rare that my hair actually cooperates with me like that. Most days it looks like this, sloppy and in a bun:

Which is why I've been considering this bob as a change up for my hair follicles:

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