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Monday, August 6, 2012

Feathers, and Braids, and Dresses. Oh My!

Just a little outfit of the day post. But, before I get to the outfit, let me express my love for my hair that I have on some days. Like yesterday, and today. The first picture is my feather extension. I know, I know. "OMG, Calli, those are sooo last year!" But I love them, no matter what anyone says. And I had a longer shift at work the other day, and I knew my hair would end up in a ponytail anyways, so I took a preemptive strike and braided it before I went to work. I always try to french braid, but it always ends up kind of inside out. I think what I end up doing is a dutch braid? Or something... Anyway, I don't normally do that well on those either, it's never perfectly straight all the way down it's always sloppy with hairs sticking out.

So, my outfit. Just a heads up, sorry about my head not being in the pictures, and them being so bad. Boyfriend isn't the best photographer. Anyway, I just got this dress at Roses (pretty cute for Roses, huh?) for like $7.50. I like that it's short so I can wear it for the remainder of summer, but the colors aren't too bright so I can wear it with leggings and a jacket in the fall.

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